Sunday, June 21, 2009

Protect Our Winters

Protect Our Winters (POW) is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to reversing the global warming crisis by uniting the winter sports community and focusing our collective efforts towards a common goal. Climate change is a serious issue for all of us who are passionate about our winter sports and in some cases, it's how we make our living. If we harness our collective energy and put forth a focused effort, we can have a direct influence on reversing the damage that's been done and ensure that winters are here for generations behind us.

Protect Our Winters


Thinking it's about time I gave the website an overhaul. This is one reason why not alot has been happening with it. Well I suppose it's also because, well not alot has been happening.I'm planning a solo cycle trip around the Western Isles. Barra and Uists and Harris, maybe Lewis. I hope to fill this blog and the site with the story and some pictures. Maybe even do a book if I get images I'm happy with.
So, remember to check back. Hopefully the trip will be completed by end of July and I'll have plenty of content.